We recently had first-hand experience of how social media can take a simple story and share it with tens of thousands within minutes. It also confirmed how interconnected the online world actually is and a clever social media strategy can take great advantage of this. Let me explain.
The popular movement and website SA Good News posted an article written by Justin Foxton where he challenged people to create a ‘ledge’. The idea behind the ‘ledge’ is to create a list of actions that you could do individually or as a group, that would help make South Africa a better place.Our client, Trellidor responded to the challenge and we helped them compile their own ledge which we then blogged about. The key then was to let Justin and SA Good News know what we’d done, so we posted the blog link on their Facebook walls. That’s where the fun started! They commented on the blog post and were so impressed that Trellidor had taken the initiative seriously that they asked if they could write a story about it. What a question! Within a few hours of giving them some background as to why Trellidor had latched onto the idea, the story was published on the SA Good News website – a well-trafficked site in South Africa. And it didn’t stop there – enter Twitter. Shortly afterwards, we had others tweeting about the article – extending the reach even further. The reach on Twitter alone accumulated to over 70,000!
Tip: If your social media strategy is carefully thought through it will give you great results!
The lesson to be learned here is that if your social media strategy is right the response to what you do in this space can have far-reaching results. Notice that Trellidor, a security gate manufacturer, didn’t mention anything about security.
So what’s your social media strategy?