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an innovative product more wildlife photographers needed to know about.

GimPro – Camera Support Equipment Made In South Africa

Enjoy limitless wildlife photography.

A range of camera support equipment including gimbals, pano heads,
and door mounts that provide steadfast stability for pin-sharp shots.

When Ralph and Rene Pollack engaged with us, they knew they had a winning product. It had sold well in the retail outlets that stocked their gear, but e-commerce sales were disappointing. Rene knew about StoryBrand and needed a Certified Guide to help them detangle the words in their heads and craft a message that would better explain their product and increase online sales.

  1. We worked through the StoryBrand framework to uncover the 7 pieces we needed to write a new brand narrative.
  2. We developed a clear brand message using the StoryBrand framework and provided it in a personalised Message Guide they could use for future marketing purposes.
  3. We wrote the copy for the home page of their new website – laid out in a neat wireframe.
  4. Lastly, we project-managed the design and development of their new website to ensure the message was translated correctly.
Brand Message Guide

the package

the total cost

storybrand message guide
ready to increase online sales or generate more leads?

With a clear message that paints a picture of what life looks like after choosing your product or service, you’ll turn website traffic into customers.